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Adjectives for JLPT level N5

大きい (oo-ki) - Big
小さい (chii-sai) - Small
高い (taka-i) - Expensive
安い (yasu-i) - Cheap
新しい (atara-shii) - New, Fresh
古い (furu-i) - Old
いい (ii) - Good
わるい (waru-i) - Bad
むずかしい (muzukashii) - Difficult
やさしい (yasashii) - Easy
とおい (tooi) - Far
近い (chika-i) - Near
おおしい (oishii) - Good, Tasty
まずい (mazui) - Bad-tasting
いそがしい (isogashii) - Busy
あつい (atsui) - Hot
さむい (samui) - Cold (temperature)
つめたい (tsumetai) - Cold (object)
あたたかい (atatakai) - Warm
すずしい (suzushii) - Cool
おもしろい (omoshiroi) - Interesting, fun
つまらない (tsumaranai) - Boring
せまい (semai) - Narrow
The romaji reading is indicated inside the parenthesis. Take note of the romaji with "-", it indicates the separator between the kanji reading and hiragana. Usually, I compose my own sentence for each word so that I can remember easily. For example, "Kono eiga wa omoshiroi desu" - This movie isinteresting.


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